Electric Utility System Operations

A foundational course for everyone and one of the most taken classes in North America.

Electric Utility System Operations Course (EUSO)

EUSO is a foundational course designed for all utility employees offered in a 1-day, 2-day or 3-day format.

Who Should Attend?
EUSO is designed for any personnel whose job performance benefits from a deeper understanding of how utility operations and systems function. This includes personnel from all departments, technical and non-technical.

What does EUSO Cover?

  1. Science of Magnetic Fields with Respect to:

    1. Generators

    2. Transformers 

    3. Electrical Safety

  2. Power Production and Electrical Laws

  3. Construction and Operation of Generators and Transformers

  4. AC & DC Voltage and Current, Including 3-Phase

  5. Equipment, Operations and Systems from Different Fuel Sources

  6. Generation Systems Including Types of Exciters

  7. Transmission and Distribution Systems

  8. Power Grids, Reliability and Outage Case Studies

  9. Buying & Selling Energy between Utilities

    1. How Generators Produce Power without Changing Operating Speed

    2. AGC

    3. ACE

    4. Wheeling

    5. ISOs, RTOs & Balancing Authorities

  10. Power vs Energy

  11. Inductive Reactance, Capacitive Reactance and Impedance

  12. Reactive Power / Power Factor / VARs (Only in 3-day course.)

  13. Circuit Breakers, Relays, Fuses, Conductors and Switches

  14. Substations and Switchyards

The primary difference between 2-day and 3-day courses is the level of depth covered in each section. The majority of in-house training classes are 3-day courses.

Professional Learning Hours
EUSO’s 2-day course is 16 hours.
EUSO’s 3-day course is 24 hours.

Electric utility system operations training course

“I really appreciated the flow of the class and the well thought out progession of the curriculum. I also appreciated the instructor’s ability and willingness to answer any and all questions.”

— Mason Public Utility District, IT Network Administrator